Posts tagged Marriage
The Gift of Singleness

While I relate more to the first part of Paul’s sentence (because I wish more folks stayed and enjoyed being single), I've come to see how they are both good gifts by reading all of 1 Corinthians 7:7 “I wish that all were as I myself am. But each has his own gift from God, one of one kind and one of another.” They are states of being, each a gift, neither better than the other, and given by God at His discretion…

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Seeing Jesus in Marriage

Although the chapter’s focus is the relationship between truth, love, and grace in marriage, one of my main takeaways was all the tangible illustrations of how marriage reflects Jesus’ relationship with the church. Below is a summary of 9 parallels I found between these relationships…

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Family Worship

Can you imagine how the life of the south side of Columbus would change if we saw the practice of daily faithfulness in our households as the greatest privilege granted by divine grace rather than a duty imposed by an authority?

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